Tuesday, November 8, 2011

WP Days 17-23

I have some catching up to do - again! So what has been new in the last week? I've kept a lot of my eating habits the same from the first 2 weeks but I started to incorporate some foods back in.  One night for dinner we had an egg scramble with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic and a sprinkle of parmesan paired with gluten-free toast. I have had some gluten though and it seems that my belly has responded ok. I think everything in moderation is the key. If I have the choice, I try to stick to a vegan, gluten-free diet but I will not rule out some foods entirely (as long as I'm sticking to a mainly vegetarian diet).

Last Thursday, I decided to bring my love, um i mean, coffee back into my life. I would need a lobotomy to think that I could live without coffee. It's just so good and moving forward I will try to have some "tea days" mixed in to find some balance between the two. Again, its all about moderation.

We've been making a lot of soups lately which are so comforting in the cooler temperatures (and helps us keep the thermostat set lower than I normally would be inclined to have it at). Last night, my honey made a simple and delicious Leek and Potato soup. I'll resist any urge to write something about an irishman making a potato soup and just give ya the rundown of what he did. :-)


- 4 medium golden potatoes - scrubbed clean and diced into quarter inch pieces (you can remove skins if you want, but he left them on)
- 1 small onion
- 2 leeks, white and light green parts - diced and thoroughly cleaned to remove any grit between layers
- 1 box of veggie stock (4 cups) - low sodium!
- 2 cups water
- salt, pepper, and herbs to taste (he used dried parsley)
- Olive oil (1-2 tbps)

1. Heat oil in a soup pot and sautee onions and leeks until soft and translucent. Season with S&P
2. Add in potatoes and mix to combine. Season with herbs of choice.
3. Add in stock and water. Cover and allow to come up to a boil.
4. Cook until potatoes are fork tender. We kept it chunky, but if you want (and you removed the skins on the potatoes) you can blend for a thicker, creamy soup.

I have 5 days left on "the plan" and I really want to buckle down for the remaining time. Going to focus on staying GF and vegan for the rest of the time and eating as clean as I can. I feel so much better from when I started this plan 23 days ago and it has given me a GREAT jumpstart for the rest of my life. I've lost some weight, have more energy, and just feel less sluggish and gross! I think I'm on to something...

There may be some wedding dress shopping in my near future. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WP Days 13, 14, 15 & 16 - Updates!

Woah sorry about that - the days have just gotten away from me! I guess I will give you the abreviated version of what's been going on & what I've been eating.

Over the weekend, we trekked through the uber wet, quarter-sized snowflakes and wind to get to Brooklyn and NJ to look at wedding venues. All of our meals on Saturday were out and half on Sunday.  Saturday I had some green smoothie, banana, vegetarian pot pie and an italian appetizer plate for two that I split with my honey. It was not vegan, or gluten-free. And I will just leave it at that. haha.

Sunday I was not feeling well at all. I was super nauseous when I woke up and hoped it would go away as we travelled back to the Bean. But unfortunately it just kept getting worse. By nighttime I was able to slurp down some soup - lots of veggies, white beans, and veggie broth. We made some muffins too for the week and I had one of those too as a late night snack, once my appetite came back.

Muffin recipe:
Carrot Cake Muffins per NY Times article

Again, not vegan or gluten-free, but the ingredient list is pretty simplistic and generally good for you (as far as muffins go). They are a little dry. I would incorporate some unsweetened applesauce or something into the mix to give them more moisture. But baker, I am not.

Monday: I had a muffin, minestrone soup from a local store, banana, some nuts, Sun Chips (oy, I'm slippin), and some leftover soup. It was Halloween and I will admit I had a piece of chocolate (Hershey's with Almonds).

Tuesday: Muffin (maybe having baked goods around me is not a good idea, mental note), salad with spinach, chickpeas, carrots, peppers, broccoli, peas, raw sunflower seeds and orange-glazed tofu, Bora Bora bar, dinner TBD.

I feel awesome today. Today is a good day. :)

Keep smilin'.

Friday, October 28, 2011

WP Day 12

It snowed last night. The heat automatically kicked on because the temperature dipped below the 62 degrees we have it set at. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Another New England winter is upon us and I am just not ready. After Mother Nature showed us how much she loved us last year by dumping tons and tons of snow on our merciless souls and after shoveling huge mounds of the white stuff ONTO our porch because there simply just wasn't anywhere else to put it, I don't know if I can do it all again.

So I'll just take this moment to address the powers of the natural world. Please be kind Mama N, I beg of you. I'll even pop the tire on the next Hummer I see so it can't spit anymore CO2 at you. Deal?

Ok, now back to business. Last night, the dinner plans got shifted. I went to yoga and while I was in class I was feeling super tired, achy and I didn't even break a sweat. This is unheard of for me. I usually sweat like a dude and have to mop myself up several times throughout class with a hand towel. So when the people around me were glistening in their dew of perspiration and hardwork and I didn't even have a single bead pooling up on my skin, I knew something was up. I usually get sick with the season change and though I have not come down with a full blown cold or flu (maybe its all these nutrients?!), I was definitely feeling rundown and not myself.

So when I got home, I had zero, zip, zilch energy to prep a meal. Usually when I ask the fiance what he wants to eat, I usually get two answers: 1) somethin' tasty or 2) pizza. Since my brain didn't feel like figuring out "somethin tasty", I went with option B. However, I was determined to stick to my newfound vegan, gluten-free diet while doing so.

Enter the Flatbread Company at Sacco's Bowl Haven in Davis Square. They can make any pie they have on the menu with a gluten-free crust. They also have a vegan option. Score! The only thing is that they don't make whole pizzas with the gluten-free crust so you have to order individual sized ones (so just double your order). We had eaten there once before, so I knew the pizzas where tasty, though this was going to be my first time experimenting with the GF dough and the vegan toppings. Bring it on. 20 minutes after our order was placed and my honey braved the cold, snow AND lightening (all at once mind you) to pick it up, we had dinner.

First impression, it looked really good and it smelled divine. The vegan pizza comes with tomato sauce, caramelized onions, mushrooms, kalamata olives (I don't like these so I just picked them off), and garlic oil and herbs (all organic).  The flavor was delicious, but the pizza wasn't very hot and the crust became a bit soggy. But overall, it was a great option and I think it would have been much better if we ate it in house.

Now on to today:

Day 12

- Banana & Bora Bora bar
- 3-bean chili from local store (vegan, gluten-free and spicy! for today's cooooold weather)
- Riceworks Parmesan & Sun-dried tomato brown rice chips (gluten-free). I saw these and just couldn't resist trying them. Even though they have dried Parmesan cheese dusted on top, I was just really in the mood to try this flavor. I don't eat chips often (I have more of a sweet tooth) but these were delish. Crunchy, flavorful and filling.

- Apple for snack
- Dinner TBD - working late again tonight (teaching yoga and doing my karma yoga as a work-study at  my yoga studio). I'd like to keep it light - maybe a brothy, warming soup of sorts.

Tomorrow we are venturing to Brooklyn and NJ to look at some wedding venues. Keep your fingers crossed we like something and that we don't get stuck in any snow storms on the way back and forth!

Happy Friday friends!  Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

WP Day 11

Day 11!  As the days tick by, this plan is becoming more and more of a lifestyle change and less of a "what can I have? what can't I have?" kind of plan. I rarely think about my old friend coffee anymore. Though I did catch a whiff of a fellow commuters java the other morning and almost pounced her for the sweet, sweet nectar. But, I resisted. I did. I'm ok... really.

Staying away from the gluten and dairy have really made a huge impact on how I am feeling and I plan to stick with it perhaps indefinitely.

The Whole Living Action Plan for Day 11

Foods today will be:

- Naked Green Machine Smoothie (obsessed). I want to start making my own smoothies, but just haven't been getting up early enough to do it. I should prep them at night so I can just grab it on the go for the morning. Maybe next week.

- Dry roasted pistachios (1.75oz.)
- Sprouted Brown Rice Risotto from Macro Vegetarian in Sunnyside, NY. 

- For dinner, I want to use the 2 avocados that are sitting patiently in my fridge ready to be eaten. I will probably put together some sort of mexican-inspired dish with what ever veggies I have, black beans, avocado, and quinoa. I usually like to cook the veggies with cumin, cayenne or chili powder, and some lime juice. I'll let you know what happens...

Though I have been doing yoga (vinyasa) and walking, next week I will have more time (hopefully) and would like to amp up the exercise routine. Increase the amount cardio workouts and yoga sessions, even if I have to drag my tired bum out of bed in the morning to do so. I know once I'm up that is great to get it all done in the morning. That'll be the week 3 focus. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WP Day 10

Back on track. It's a dreary, rainy day but that's ok because I got a good night sleep last night and I'm feeling optimistic about the day. To wind down last night, I took a long super hot shower and we washed the sheets so everything was fresh. I love clean and this definitely helped me find my slumber. I was feeling sick and rundown so I think my body was just ready for a solid night sleep too.

For dinner last night, I chose to give this recipe a try which ended up being AWESOME. This will definitely be in the repertoire from now on for sure.

Lightened up Protein Power Goddess Bowl (from the Oh She Glows blog.)

We used brown rice instead of speltberries (I'll search for these next time, just wasn't in the mood last night). I never cooked with nutritional yeast and didn't know how vital it would be for the recipe, but we ventured out to get some and I am so glad we did. It definitely adds a creamy, almost cheesy, dimension to the dressing that would have been missed if it was omitted. The fiance advised me against using the word "cheesy" to describe any kind of yeast, but hey, that's what its like!

Today's tastiness:

- Banana and Bora Bora bar
- Quinoa salad from Good Neighbors company - I've had this other days because its easy to pick up at the local store by work. It has quinoa, green & red peppers, dried cranberries, herbs, lemon juice, olive oil, spices.
- Leftover Goddess Bowl from last night.
- Gala apple and pear for snacks

I have a late night tonight since I am teaching a 7:30pm yoga class, but I think all these foods will keep me good and fueled up!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

WP Day 9

I strayed from the diet today and almost immediately started feeling the consequences. We had free lunch from a local cafe at work and I indulged in some pasta, cheese and sugar. Feel.like.crap. What was I thinking?! At least its still mid-day and all is not lost for today. I will have to redeem myself with the remaining meals.

The damage:

- Banana & some Naked green machine
- The lunch: Pasta/roasted veggies in a white wine sauce, salad with pistachios, goat cheese, grapes and dried cranberries (no dressing), tofu spring rolls w peanut sauce (delicious!), and a white chocolate-covered strawberry. Ugh, no wonder my belly is angry.
- Dinner will be clean and simple. Maybe a stir-fry with quinoa, kale, carrots, etc... OR this! The lightened up protein power goddess bowl will most likely win. I'm feeling sick & rundown and I would definitely like to feel 1. "lightened up", 2. "power" and, of course, 3. like a "goddess".

I've been having a terrible time sleeping the last few days. I need to come up with a good relaxing bedtime  routine to help my mind & body wind down. So much is on my mind lately and it's hard to shut it down at night. Tonight, I'll try a hot bath and a book. Here's hoping that works!

WP Day 8

First week down and on to the next! So this week I am "allowed" to start adding in some of the foods I omitted over week 1 (like wheat, dairy, soy, caffeine - in increments over the week). I've decided that since my belly is behaving quite well these days, I will continue to stay away from the gluten and dairy for now.

Day 8 Plan according to the Whole Living Action Plan.

What I ate:

- Banana (staple in my diet as you probably have noticed by this point) & Bora Bora Paradise Walnut Pistachio bar
- Naked Blue Machine smoothie
- Leftover lentil stew (See Day 7)
- Fish and kale - the fiance went to the store while I was at yoga to pick up a few items and there was some fresh & local (Maine) white fish (paddock? haddock?) on sale. I usually eat a vegetarian diet but will throw in the occasional seafood - usually if its local/sustainable/fresh/etc. 
- Rudi's gluten free bread with fresh blueberry jam we got when we were hiking in New Hampshire in August.