Friday, October 28, 2011

WP Day 12

It snowed last night. The heat automatically kicked on because the temperature dipped below the 62 degrees we have it set at. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Another New England winter is upon us and I am just not ready. After Mother Nature showed us how much she loved us last year by dumping tons and tons of snow on our merciless souls and after shoveling huge mounds of the white stuff ONTO our porch because there simply just wasn't anywhere else to put it, I don't know if I can do it all again.

So I'll just take this moment to address the powers of the natural world. Please be kind Mama N, I beg of you. I'll even pop the tire on the next Hummer I see so it can't spit anymore CO2 at you. Deal?

Ok, now back to business. Last night, the dinner plans got shifted. I went to yoga and while I was in class I was feeling super tired, achy and I didn't even break a sweat. This is unheard of for me. I usually sweat like a dude and have to mop myself up several times throughout class with a hand towel. So when the people around me were glistening in their dew of perspiration and hardwork and I didn't even have a single bead pooling up on my skin, I knew something was up. I usually get sick with the season change and though I have not come down with a full blown cold or flu (maybe its all these nutrients?!), I was definitely feeling rundown and not myself.

So when I got home, I had zero, zip, zilch energy to prep a meal. Usually when I ask the fiance what he wants to eat, I usually get two answers: 1) somethin' tasty or 2) pizza. Since my brain didn't feel like figuring out "somethin tasty", I went with option B. However, I was determined to stick to my newfound vegan, gluten-free diet while doing so.

Enter the Flatbread Company at Sacco's Bowl Haven in Davis Square. They can make any pie they have on the menu with a gluten-free crust. They also have a vegan option. Score! The only thing is that they don't make whole pizzas with the gluten-free crust so you have to order individual sized ones (so just double your order). We had eaten there once before, so I knew the pizzas where tasty, though this was going to be my first time experimenting with the GF dough and the vegan toppings. Bring it on. 20 minutes after our order was placed and my honey braved the cold, snow AND lightening (all at once mind you) to pick it up, we had dinner.

First impression, it looked really good and it smelled divine. The vegan pizza comes with tomato sauce, caramelized onions, mushrooms, kalamata olives (I don't like these so I just picked them off), and garlic oil and herbs (all organic).  The flavor was delicious, but the pizza wasn't very hot and the crust became a bit soggy. But overall, it was a great option and I think it would have been much better if we ate it in house.

Now on to today:

Day 12

- Banana & Bora Bora bar
- 3-bean chili from local store (vegan, gluten-free and spicy! for today's cooooold weather)
- Riceworks Parmesan & Sun-dried tomato brown rice chips (gluten-free). I saw these and just couldn't resist trying them. Even though they have dried Parmesan cheese dusted on top, I was just really in the mood to try this flavor. I don't eat chips often (I have more of a sweet tooth) but these were delish. Crunchy, flavorful and filling.

- Apple for snack
- Dinner TBD - working late again tonight (teaching yoga and doing my karma yoga as a work-study at  my yoga studio). I'd like to keep it light - maybe a brothy, warming soup of sorts.

Tomorrow we are venturing to Brooklyn and NJ to look at some wedding venues. Keep your fingers crossed we like something and that we don't get stuck in any snow storms on the way back and forth!

Happy Friday friends!  Have a great weekend.

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