Friday, October 14, 2011

Somebody slap the bagel out of my hand: 28-day detox challenge.

As I sit at my desk this morning, with bagel and coffee nearby, I feel like absolute crap. Lately the stresses of life have been getting the better part of me and quite frankly, I'm over it. I've been slipping and my body and health have been paying the consequences. I've become all too familiar with the daily regime of fighting adult acne, I have bags under my red, tired and irritated eyes, my stomach is pissed off at me, I am tired all of the time, and my mind is reeling nonstop.

Sooo, with that said, this is my declaration (and my way of being held accountable for my actions) that I am going to get my groove back. Stella did it, so hey, why can't I.  My eating, sleeping and exercise habits can all be improved so on Monday, October 17, 2011, I am going to begin the 28-Day Challenge as it is laid out by Miss Martha herself.

Whole Living Action Plan: 28-Day Challenge

I've tried detoxes and cleanses several times before but have always given up pretty much 30 seconds after I start. But this time I mean business and this blog it going to document my journey. I also have a sparkly reminder on my finger that will help keep me focused too. In 18 months or so (date TBD), I will be marrying the man of my dreams and if I feel like I do today on my wedding day, then god help me, I will be one sad, sad bride. I am a natural procrastinator, but instead of putting this off I am going to do things differently this time. I am going to get control of things now so as I move forward in planning my life and future, I have a clear head and happy, healthy body.

Feel free to follow along and maybe even try the challenge yourself!  Let's do this thang!

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