Friday, October 21, 2011

WP Day 5

Friday! Even though it will be a long day, I can't help but get excited for the end of another work week. Plus I made it through my first work week on the "plan" and successfully avoided coffee! (Insert pat on the back here). So here's what is up for my friday:

- Green goodness smoothie (6 oz.)
- Banana and Bora Bora bar. I wanted to find something nutty with alittle flavor. This bar is vegan and gluten-free and quite tasty.
- Salad: Romaine, carrots, mushrooms, green peppers, broccoli, chickpeas, raw sunflower seeds and nonfat balsamic vinaigrette.
- Pear & KIND fruit & nut bar (another gluten-free & vegan bar. heavy on the "bars" today but good for on the go).
- Dinner to be determined. I have to work late until about 9ish so maybe I will treat myself to some Life Alive on the way home. :)

I am really feeling good today. My eyes aren't drooping close, I feel lighter (down a few pounds) and I'm in a great mood. Maybe it's the sunshine after a few days of gray and rain. I'm sure it doesn't hurt.

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