Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend recap - WP Days 6&7

Super busy weekend and ended up eating some of my meals on the go. Here is a breakdown of what I consumed:


- Banana and green goodness smoothie (6oz.)
- Green tea from Sbux
- Lunch was out so I made a meal out of side dishes. I tried to get the best choices I could based on what was being offered. I ordered lemon rice w herbs, veggies and black beans.
- Dinner was also at a restaurant but we went to a local favorite so I had an idea what I was in store for. We went to The Independent and I got the vegan veggie plate, swapping out the white rice for quinoa. It was the BEST meal I had in a long time. I had eaten that plate before but they brought out all the stops on Saturday. Broccolini, mushrooms, peas, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, quinoa and an orange-carrot sauce. SO good.  I cheated and had some cocktails - 2 Kentucky bucks and a glass of wine. Oops. ;-)


- Oatmeal with a drizzle of real maple syrup
- Banana, mango and grape fruit salad
- Quinoa salad (quinoa, dried cherries, peppers, lemon juice, olive oil, herbs, spices)
- Quick lentil stew - I used lentils that I had already cooked previously. Sauteed onion, carrots, butternut squash, sun-dried tomatoes (packed in olive oil with herbs) and then added in the lentils and a can of diced tomatoes w/juice (with herbs). Covered and let stew for about 20 mins. until everything was softened and flavors were mixed.

Still substituting tea (green mostly) for coffee and drinking water whenever I remember!

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