Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WP Day 3

Wow, I slept like a rock last night and actually woke up this morning earlier than usual and felt wide awake. It's only day 3 and already I am reaping the benefits.

Today's plan:

Whole Living Action Plan - Day 3

- Morning smoothie - Berry Veggie. I goofed when I picked this one up this morning since i now realize it has corn in it (one of the items that is on the avoid list), but I am not going to stress over the 91 kernels of corn that are apparently blended inside. Could be worse.
- Handful of raw almonds (for more protein) and a banana
- Leftover lentils & beets from dinner last night. We got home super late last night so dinner ended up being at like 10pm. I modified the whole living action plan lentil and beet recipe - sauteed red onion, lentils (already cooked), beets (roasted) and arugula and topped with a squeeze of fresh lemon and some salt.
- Dinner will be sweet potato and kale soup. I essentially use this recipe as an outline, omitting the pasta and replacing chicken stock with veggie stock.  It's a rainy day and I am soooo looking forward to this.

Each day I've been sipping on lots of water and some green tea (to replace my coffee addition) and so far so good.  I really enjoy limiting the amount of tv time at night too - I think it definitely helped me sleep easier.

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