Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WP Day 2

On the menu today:

- Green goodness smoothie (8oz.) after my shower this morning
- Banana mid-morning at work
- Quinoa salad - (a variation of this) for lunch. I wanted to use up some veggies I had in the fridge so I sauteed up white button mushrooms and green peppers with the garlic, thyme and scallions. Mixed it with the cooked quinoa, celery, raw sunflower seeds and added some lime juice and pinch of salt.
- A pear will be my snack before yoga
- Lentils with Ginger, Beets and Herbs for dins.

Last night I focused on prepping a lot of food, cleaning the house, and doing laundry (including some blankets and towels that had been sitting there for quite awhile). I LOVE when my living space is organized. I immediately start to feel at ease when I accomplish these tasks and it made the idea of sticking to this plan much more achievable. It also helped me stay away from the tv/computer/phone, though, I will admit that I did watch an episode of House. :)

Food Prep:

1. Roasted all the beets according to the directions in the recipe above. I ended up cooking them about 20 minutes longer than they suggested. Not sure if it was the beets I had or my oven, but i definitely recommend checking to make sure they are fork tender before you take them out.

2. Cooked a whole bag of lentils to have on hand during the week

3. Made the quinoa salad for lunch today.

4. Made the Millet Bowl for dinner last night - delish! I reduced the amount of dressing I used, since I didn't feel it needed that much. I also couldn't get baby bok choy over the weekend so I swapped in broccoli.

I got in a brisk walk/jog this morning on my way to the bus! Definitely need to start leaving a bit earlier. Tonight I'm going to take a moderate to vigorous level vinyasa class. I am starting to feel the changes in my body even after one day. My stomach has calmed down a bit which is major! My sleep was pretty disrupted last night but I'm hoping that will change as the week goes on.

Happy Tuesday!

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