Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 13 - Energy

DAY 13 - May 22, 2011

Post-gardening tightness had set in and yoga was needed ASAP. I headed to Samara for some vinyasa in hopes of loosening up my hunched shoulders and cranky lower back. Hannah was filling in for Nicoline Valkenberg (the owner of Samara) and when she asked if the group had any requests, I had no qualms asking for some shoulder/back love. She delivered with lots of backbending, twisting, chest opening and a whole lot of chaturangas. A whole lot.

All the yogis must have slept in on this Sunday morning because only 7 folks opted to skip brunch in bed and come in for class. It's interesting how the size of a class can affect the vibe. Energy, to a scientist like myself, is something that we try to understand, quantify and capture. But it is amazing to just feel how it can change from scenario to scenario. There is an intangible quality to energy that is so powerful. We are always transferring and receiving energy from those around us. Make sure the energy you are sending out is positive and beneficial to those in your life.

Day 13 overall: Felt a bit like Frankenstein today in class with all the stiffness in my body, but the class relieved some of it. Energy is more than just that little extra something that you find in a double espresso. Be conscious of the vibes to are sending out in the world.

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