Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 3 - Doubleheader!

I'm back after some Blogger technical difficulties (i.e. my blog was erased!). Time to play catch up on the last few days...

DAY 3: May 12, 2011

Aaah, Thursday. I am so happy when Thursday rolls around. Not only because the next day is Friday and the end of the work week is in sight, but because Thursday night means vinyasa flow with Miss Ame Wren. If you have not taken a class with her, stop what you are doing and GO. Like right now, stop reading, walk away from the computer and find her class. You are welcome. Ame can command a room of 90 yogis with ease and grace. Her clever sequences, precise anatomical cuing and juicy adjustments make her classes some of my all time faves. Kate Heffernan (another local yoga teacher) aides Ame in distributing these blissful adjustments, just adding to the overall experience. The two of them work the room like a choreographed dance, spreading the love through the power of touch.

After the vinyasa flow class, I thought it was a good idea to try my luck at Ame's advanced class. I have been avoiding this class like the plague, convinced that my seven years of practice was just not nearly enough to hang with the big dogs. But after some light persuasion by Ame and with Kate Heffernan agreeing to be my yoga partner in crime, I stayed. A less structured and much smaller class (only about 10 people that night), you get the chance to explore the free flow of your practice; starting the Sun A's and B's as a group, but then having time to play and move how you want. The sequencing definitely dives into more advanced poses, incorporating more inversions and arm balances. Ame creates an environment where there is some structure mixed with the openness to test the limits of your practice. She encourages you and with her "you got it, girl" attitude, the next thing you know you are doing pincha mayurasana (forearm balance) in the middle of the room (though I squealed like a pig in that moment filled with sheer excitement and "oh my god!"). While playing at the wall towards the end of class, I also found that I was able to go from a handstand to urdhva dhanurasna (full wheel) by walking my feet up and down the wall. Killer.

Day 3 overall: Great night of exploration and testing the limits. Exhausted by the end of the night - wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it home. Would have curled up in a ball on the T if it wasn't a social faux pas. Note to self: eat more than a larabar and banana for lunch before doing back-to-backs!

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