Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 7 - Turning inward

DAY 7: May 16, 2011

Apparently, Boston is the new Seattle and it is going to rain FOR-EV-ER. When the weather is cold and damp, my body craaaaves heat so it was a no brainer when deciding where to go for class. I headed over to South Boston Yoga (SBY) for a Hot Yoga class with Joanne Flaherty. The hot yoga room at SBY is womb-like with heaters continually pumping warm air into the space. Lights were turned down low and candle lights flickered on the altar. The ambiance was super chill and I could have flowed through the whole class with eyes closed. Joanne mindfully guides students with her sultry voice and smooth way about her. I could almost picture her in an era passed, vibing to the sounds of Ella Fitzgerald in a jazz club, bourbon in hand.

My hips have been getting a lot of lovin' these days and this class was no different. I guess there is something about the spring that makes you want to loosen your groins. Wait, what?! But seriously, I could feel the progress that has been made in my body over the last few months of practicing, and in the last week in particular. I definitely have more mobility in my joints (hips included) and my overall strength is improving each day. Amazingly, I find that the more I open my body up, the easier it becomes to turn my focus inward. Finding space in the poses allows for a sense of freedom and, in turn, a sense of relaxation.

Being able to integrate an element of ease into the poses will transform your relationship with the asanas. I'll even be so bold as to go beyond that and say, try to bring an element of ease into everything you do. The breath is the key. You've heard it before, but that's because it is so true. When stress is overwhelming you, take a breath and allow yourself to feel the lightness in the body - even if just for a moment.

Day 7 overall: Felt like I got a big ol' yoga hug. Finally realized (after a week) why I have bruises on my triceps - bakasana (crow pose) is the culprit! Does this happen to anyone else?! I upped the spinach intake at dinner to prevent this from happening in the future.

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