Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 15 - Midpoint!

DAY 15 - May 24, 2011

I've reached the midpoint in my challenge! Day 15 and I have to admit, I did NOT feel like doing yoga today. Not at all. I wanted to make a lentil loaf, sit on the coach and watch the Biggest Loser finale. Thankfully, I have the best boyfriend who took up all lentil loaf making responsibilities and motivated me to get going. I had no excuses. I looked around for what I thought would be a mellow class and when I found one titled "Just Yoga" at Be. in Union Square, I thought 'perfect'. I begrudgingly gathered myself together and schlepped down to the studio. On the plus side, the neighborhood smelled like flowers and BBQs. On the down side, did I mention I did NOT feel like doing yoga today? Blerg.

The "Just Yoga" class was the second class of the night and the heaters had been pumping for a full 2 hrs before we even got in there. The studio was hot and soupy and it didn't take long (maybe by the second "om" of the class) before we were all sweating profusely. I even questioned bringing a towel to this "just yoga" class before I left, thinking it was going to be chill. Well good thing I decided otherwise. It also didn't help that it was the first 80 degree day of the season. Swell.

I slipped and slided through the poses, muscles twitching from trying to stabilize themselves on my sweat stained mat. I thought they were going to go on strike, and my mind was right behind them. I zoned out. I rolled my eyes once - ok, maybe twice. I just wasn't feeling it today. It wasn't the class or the instructor (both were great), but it was just one of those days. Ya know? I am happy I made it through though because I felt great afterwards. There is just no escaping the yoga buzz, no matter how hard you fight it.

Day 15 overall: Glad I sucked it up and went to class. It's not easy getting yourself to the mat every day, but it is important to make that commitment to yourself and to your practice. It is so worth it.

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