Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 8 - Superwomen

DAY 8 - May 17, 2011

Just another night of being completely humbled and amazed by the incredible yoginis in this world (who also have some serious balls of steel, might I add). I traveled to Haverhill, MA to check out Caroline Giles's studio - The Yoga Tree - for some candlelight yoga and live music with the insanely amazing Erica Magro. Welcomed by a glowing, christmas light peace sign hanging in the window, this adorable studio is nestled right up against the river. The windows in the studio overlook this gorgeous view and, as night falls, you can catch a glimpse of the moonlight sparkling on the rippling water as you move through your salutes. Um, yes please! I watched as my shadow, cast by the soft candlelight, mimicked my movements on my mat. Stillness and action are happily juxtaposed, an oxymoron of yogic proportions.

So why do these yoginis have giant steely balls, you ask? Because they are fearless. Because they open studios, they fly around the world to learn and spread their knowledge, they teach classes day in and day out. They put themselves out there all for the sake of sharing something they love, to build a community and to help others find peace and happiness in their lives. Pretty darn awesome. The world is a better place because people like them take the leap and just go for it. And for that, I commend them.

Day 8 overall: Tonight sparked some serious reflection and contemplation. Am I doing everything I can to be who I want to be? If not, what's stopping me? What's stopping you from being the best version of yourself?

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