Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 17 - Summer is in full effect - get your sweat on!

DAY 17 - May 26, 2011

Back in the saddle. After a few days of near full-blown body rebellion, I finally felt good today. I went to Ame's vinyasa class at BBY and, once again, it just flew by! I'm starting to think she has special powers - special time-bending powers. I can't wrap my head around it, nor am I going to try. But it's pretty super. In her classes, I can totally lose myself in the movement. The tempo, her voice, the cues, the adjustments - it all just comes together brilliantly. And I love it. Total addict.

I realize that I talk quite a bit about sweat on this blog, so I will try and stop after this comment (especially since its summer now and its gonna be hot all.the.time.). But class was a lovely sweatfest and I was in my glory. Go get your sweat on today. You will feel like a million bucks. Well, I wouldn't know what a million bucks feels like, so you will feel like a brand new, crisp one dollar bill. Better yet, you will feel like the owner of that crispy, wrinkle-free one dollar bill standing at a vending machine and after you make your purchase on the first try without any dollar regurgitation, you also find the forgotten extra change from the person before you. THAT'S how good you'll feel. So do it.

Day 17 overall: Feeling good again. Why can't I breathe when I try to backbend? Need to explore this further...

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