Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 9 - Perspective

DAY 9: May 18, 2011

As humans we spend far too much time on our feet and, who are we kidding, our arses. When I was a kid I would spend hours in my family's den flinging myself up into handstands against the brick fireplace, the couch and in the middle of the room. There was something about holding myself upside down that I just loved. Maybe it was the thrill of looking at the world from a different point of view, or maybe it was the buzz I got from all the extra blood flow to the brain. Who knows. All I know is that, as an adult, I never want to lose that feeling of playful exuberance I had when balancing on my palms as a kid, my legs wiggling free above me.

I get pumped when instructors incorporate arm balances into class. I am by no means a pro at these poses but it's fun to "make your hands your feet" every once in awhile. Last night, in Georgia's vinyasa flow class at BBY, we got to explore bakasana (crow pose) and tittibhasana (firefly pose) several times. Each time we would come to the pose, it was interesting to see how my perspective would change. When working arm balances, it's definitely a process. The first time you do it, you might try to muscle your way up. But then you realize that doesn't work out so well. So you listen to the instructions again. The next time you may actually take some of that advice and put it to practice. You lift your hips. Hmmm, interesting, that kinda made it easier. The following time you may go a bit further and lift your hips, AND engage your core muscles, AND lift your gaze slightly. Next thing you know you're having some serious hangtime. Ah, that thrill is back and I am having flashbacks of braces and awkward haircuts.

Changing your perspective every now and again is healthy and invigorating. Whether its physically changing the angle at which you are looking at something, taking the time to see a situation from both sides, or perhaps acquiring knowledge about something totally new to you. Whatever it is, be open.

Day 9 overall: I want Georgia's arms and if I need to do arm balances and a gazillion chaturangas everyday to achieve this, then so be it. Might have figured out a way to do bakasana and not have triceps that look like I'm a resident at a battered women's shelter (see Day 7). Flipping your life upside down can be a good thing!

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